Discover the Power of Curation


#permarks #startup #curation tool for bloggers,tweeters & researchers

Monday, October 21, 2013

Permamarks are a time-specific, on-demand, archive of the public web.
 Features : 
 A personalwebpage archiving tool.
When you bookmark with p
ermamarks, they keep anarchive of the page in its original form.
The permamark is a point of reference forever – even if the original web page is edited or taken down.
A link
integrity & reliability tool.
Integrity in knowing the content you share now is the same content others will see later. Reliability in knowing the resources you reference will be there when you need them.
An analytical
URL shortening + sharing tool.
ermamarks provide "In-Page" analytics; other services can't track what users do once they reach the page you've shared, only how they got there .
I recommand to read Top100 #edtools discovered through #iste13

Blog curated by Lucian, father, Social Media Curator and teacher,; who win a IPAD in Global Competition with PLN help or simply a educator hwo teach special needs students how to integrate new technologies online web 2.0 and Social Media into the classroom . Follow . Now I write / describe weekly Top 10 ,and describe daily: curation edtools ; startup edtools , ipad apps . Now I begin to blog also in romanian


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