#curation #edtech20 #chirpstory for #iste11
Labels: #edtech20 project, chirpstory, curation, iste11
#edtech20 #elearning of the day #slideblender #awesome for #education20
Like I write in my previous post Content curation is the act of continually identifying, organizing, and sharing the best and most relevant content on a specific topic or issue online . I think curation tools are gateway through knowledge and semantic web 3.0 in XXI Century Education . For this reason I launch #edtech20 curation and semantic project global project where teachers worldwide can join free to discover toghether step by step the way through semantic web 3.0 and to post in this blog .Dear members of#edtech20 #PLN like I write in my previous post I want to post about new edtools used in #edtech20 curation and semantic project in XXI Century Education and I invite you to join this free project and fill up this document with your information after I will invite you to collaborate in this blog and #edtech20 PLN and wiki You can contact me also at for more informations . Dear PLN if you enjoy my blog post I invite you to share and add comments .
Import and convert ppt, pptx, doc, png or jpg files in web format
Import ppt, pptx, png or jpg files and convert them in web format. After conversion is completed, the files are available for further work in a form of "slides", which are known to you from a Microsoft PowerPoint programme.

Record and sync narration
Simply synchronise the authors narration or video with slides. For recordnig a video or audio you need just a microphone or webcam attached to the computer.

Your presentation will be much more interresting to the viewer when the drawing function is used on certain slides. With this function you can point out a certain content of the slide or for example write down a mathematical formula, as if you were writing on the blackboard in your classroom. The whole drawing on the slides can be synchronised with the recorded video and audio.

In case you need to zoom out a certain part of the slide you can use zoom function. All zooming action is also synchronised with audio and video.

Record mouse movement
When you need to point out a certain content of the slide you can define recording of the mouse movement which is then synchronised with audio and video.
Inserting YouTube videos
You can add a YouTube

Attaching additional content
If you wish, you can enrich your presentation with external links to the files in the presentation library or with web links.

Add background music
Pictures and music say more than 1000 words. That's why you can add background music by inserting mp3 files to your presentation.

Exporting presentations for your archive
Everything that you create with SlideBlender is available to you and you can simply export your presentations to your computer. When exported, your presentation is playable independently from SlideBlender application.

Sharing presentations
Each presentation is available to the viewers right after the end of creation with unique web link or it can be embeded to you web page.
Presentation's statistics
The number of presentation's views is graphically recorded yearly, monthly, daily or hourly.

Labels: #edtech20 project, elearning, slideblender
Awesome #edtech20 #curation #edtools of the day #remindeo - never forget anything , ever egain .
Like I write in my previous post Content curation is the act of continually identifying, organizing, and sharing the best and most relevant content on a specific topic or issue online . I think curation tools are gateway through knowledge and semantic web 3.0 in XXI Century Education . For this reason I launch #edtech20 curation and semantic project global project where teachers worldwide can join free to discover toghether step by step the way through semantic web 3.0 and to post in this blog .Dear members of#edtech20 #PLN like I write in my previous post I want to post about new edtools used in #edtech20 curation and semantic project in XXI Century Education and I invite you to join this free project and fill up this document with your information after I will invite you to collaborate in this blog and #edtech20 PLN and wiki You can contact me also at for more informations . Dear PLN if you enjoy my blog post I invite you to share and add comments .
Today I present yout
remember special occasions with anniversary or birthday reminders
remind yourself & others about appointments, renewals & things to-do be reminded anywhere with text message reminders & email reminders plan ahead or manage tasks using a reminder calendar & day planners make notes & lists about anything that you want to remember
How remindeo reminders & notes work
We all forget things from time-to-time. So, Remindeo is here to help you remind yourself and others about important things such as work tasks, appointments, birthdays, anniversaries, annual renewals, things to-do and more...
Add any kind of reminder you need such as a birthday reminder, task reminder or an appointment reminder to come exactly when and where you need it - sent on email or to a mobile phone.
You can plan ahead with a reminder calendar and day planners.
You can also make notes and create lists about ideas, to-dos, recipes, meeting notes, things you like or anything else that you don't need a reminder for, but you do want to remember.
We are not a gift or card shop pretending we want to help you and then trying to sell you stuff - and - we are not a confusing or bloated project management tool with a thousand features you don't need. We do two very simple things - give a friendly little nudge whenever you need it and give you a safe place to save notes for later.
No need to be scared!
Whether you are using it for work or play, we understand that you want a service that is easy to use - so that you don't have to go looking for things or spend ages trying to work out how to do something.
Everyone says this, but our service *really* is simple and quick to use... and other people say that it is easy to use as well.
See how easy Remindeo is to use with our note taking, appointment reminder, task reminder and birthday reminder examples.
We hate websites that make it really hard to leave. We'd love it if you stay forever, but we promise you can easily stop reminders and leave anytime.
Add reminders & notes anywhere - Remindeo works everywhere!
You can add reminders and notes by visiting the Remindeo website, by sending us an email or on your iPhone. Simple!
Email reminders exactly how you want them, without a side order of spam...
You choose when & how often
As well as picking a time of day to send, reminder emails can be sent:Once, or Everyday, or Weekly, orMonthly, or Every year
Remind in advance . One-off and Annual reminders can also be sent:14 days before, and/or 5 days before, and/or 1 day before, and/or On the day
Free reminders, no limits.Add as many email reminders as you need - free of charge!
Remind others .Send reminders to other people and to yourself on additional email accounts. Perfect for managing deadlines, reminding people about appointments or reminding forgetful friends about your birthday!
Never get spam - we promise...
We will never share your details with third parties, ever. End of.
Easy to use at a quick glance .Reminder details appear in the email subject to make reminders easy to use at a quick glance, with the ability to add more in-depth info - such as gift lists, agendas or directions - inside the email itself.
Remindeo makes your life easier!
Birthday reminders . Remindeo makes it really easy for you to remember birthdays. Sign up free and use our birthday reminder wizard to quickly add birthday reminders for all of your friends and family - by sending just one email - or - by automatically asking your friends on Facebook or your followers on
Free reminder calendar & day planners
Remindeo includes a reminder calendar and day planners, to help you get things done. View reminders by day, week or month.
Subscribe to your calendar and day planners by RSS
Be reminded each day by RSS or use your feed as a to-do list.
Add reminders using your Outlook Calendar
If you use Outlook at work, you can use your Outlook Calendar to add simple reminders to Remindeo - taking your dates and reminders away with you.
Works with Outlook: 2000
Preset reminders... we remember things, so that you don't have to!
Preset reminders are completely free and automatically remind you on email one week before public holidays, clock changes, Father's Day, Mother's Day, Halloween, Valentines and more. Each reminder email also contains some interesting and fun facts about the date you are being reminded about. They can of course be turned on and off at anytime as well.
Free online notebook
You can add notes and create lists about anything that you don't need a reminder for but you do want to remember. You can add as many notes as you want and they can be any length or size.
Optionally, you can share your notes with your friends on Facebook, with your followers on
Twitter or by sending them to others by email.
Use our free "Web Page Bookmarker" to automatically save web page names and web addresses to your notebook while you browse the web - without having to log in to Remindeo! Perfect if you are researching something or want to save a web page so you can find it later.
If you are watching an individual video on YouTube
, click on the "Web Page Bookmarker" and the video will be automatically added to your notebook as well.
You can subscribe to your notes by RSS
or download them to a spreadsheet - take your notes wherever you need them!
You can give your notes a "Type" so you can easily group and find them later.
Sign up FREE now
#edtech20 #socialmedia #edtools of the day #hootcourse in #education20
Like I write in my previous post Content curation is the act of continually identifying, organizing, and sharing the best and most relevant content on a specific topic or issue online . I think curation tools are gateway through knowledge and semantic web 3.0 in XXI Century Education . For this reason I launch #edtech20 curation and semantic project global project where teachers worldwide can join free to discover toghether step by step the way through semantic web 3.0 and to post in this blog .Dear members of #edtech20 #PLN like I write in my previous post I want to post about new edtools used in #edtech20 curation and semantic project in XXI Century Education and I invite you to join this free project and fill up this document with your information after I will invite you to collaborate in this blog and #edtech20 PLN and wiki You can contact me also at for more informations . Dear PLN if you enjoy my blog post I invite you to share and add comments .
Today I present yout is a HootCourse?A HootCourse is an online classroom. And then some. Instead of cumbersome forums or complicated lesson-plan formats, HootCourse uses a combination of the most popular social networks and blogging platforms to provide a new type of online classroom.
HootCourses are built on tweets and status updates in real-time. There's no particular structure to them, at least no more than a classroom with chairs and a blackboard; they're a simple construct that lets a teacher and pupil interact.
Letting teachers teach . Most online learning solutions have the same problem. They try to be a virtual teacher instead of a virtual classroom.HootCourse sticks solely to the role of classroom. It's a virtual environment built to facilitate the free-flowing dialogue of an educational setting. Like a real-world classroom, it leaves teaching materials and format to the teacher.
Sign in easily, anywhere
Students and teachers can sign in with either Facebook or Twitter.Both types of users can interact in the course through the HootCourse website. Twitter users can also tweet to the course from Twitter or any Twitter client.HootCourse can be used from any web browser, even on a phone . HootCourse's flexibility lets students interact anywhere they can use Twitter — at a computer, on their phones, or on a tablet.
Open up education
HootCourses are unique in their openness. Tweets and Facebook updates are visible to followers and friends.
A HootCourse tweet about anthropology could potentially be seen by leading anthropologists. A film student can tweet at movie stars with questions. Opening the classroom to the world opens all kinds of possibilities.
Supplement the classroom
When combined with a face-to-face class, HootCourse fosters a new level of interaction between students.
The social networking features of Facebook and Twitter bring students together faster. University courses can enjoy the heightened discourse that comes with a tight-knit group of students much earlier in the semester than they would otherwise.
There are benefits outside the classroom as well. Students can connect with each other to form study groups, join extracurriculars, or just to say "Hi!"
Using it in class
Using HootCourse during class is particularly handy for extra-large courses. HootCourse's Classroom Mode feature allows course tweets to show up in real-time on a projected screen.
Students can tweet questions, concerns or corrections during a lecture without interrupting the flow of the lecture. The flexibility of the Twitter platform allows students to tweet from phones, tablets, or laptops.
When 140 isn't enough
Academia is built on a foundation of papers. Very long papers. Sometimes 140 character tweets just aren't enough to say what needs to be said.
HootCoursers can set up free blogs with four different top blogging services (Blogger, Wordpress, Xanga and Posterous) and use the HootCourse interface to post to their blogs. Blog posts are instantly created and tweeted to the course, allowing a student or professor to say as much as he or she needs to.HootCourse essays can be used to expand tweets, or to complete homework assignments. At the end of the course, students will have a blog with all of their HootCourse essays catalogued, ready to link, export or print out. The days of losing work in old forum posts are gone.
Embed it anywhereThe HootCourse mini-client lets you put HootCourse right on your website.
A simple copy-and-paste job gets your course on a website inside the "Hoot!" tab. See our home page for an example.
Everyone's a teacher
Courses are free to create and the format of the course is ultimately up to the teacher. Create a course on Proust's later works or a course on 1950s Chevrolets. Tweet homework assignments, schedule live quizzes on Thursday nights, or just tweet sage bits of knowledge every few weeks.
Teach multiple coursesTeachers can teach multiple courses. Students can learn in multiple courses. HootCourse keeps everything separate and easy to manage.
One-way announcementsTwitter has traditionally been used in higher education to make announcements to students. HootCourse encourages conversation, not just one-way announcements.
Still, the "Hoots" tab in every course filters tweets to only show the teacher's tweets, letting students easily see the latest announcements, homework assignments, and extra credit questions.
Labels: hootcourse, social media
#edtech20 #curation #edtools of the day #chirpstory is a tool for creating and sharing stories from twitter
Like I write in my previous post Content curation is the act of continually identifying, organizing, and sharing the best and most relevant content on a specific topic or issue online . I think curation tools are gateway through knowledge and semantic web 3.0 in XXI Century Education . For this reason I launch #edtech20 curation and semantic project global project where teachers worldwide can join free to discover toghether step by step the way through semantic web 3.0 and to post in this blog .
Dear members of #edtech20 #PLN like I write in my previous post I want to post about new edtools used in #edtech20 curation and semantic project in XXI Century Education and I invite you to join this free project and fill up this document with your information after I will invite you to collaborate in this blog and #edtech20 PLN and wiki You can contact me also at for more informations . Dear PLN if you enjoy my blog post I invite you to share and add comments .
Now let's see how to use this social media curation tool
How do I start?
Save interesting Stories to your Storybook

Check who's Chirpifying your Tweets

Delete your Tweets from Stories
Tell a Story!

Editing Panel, Left Side

User Timeline
Copy Selected

Copy All

Keyword Search

User Search

Load List

Editing Panel, Right Side

Add Media
Chronological Order

Reverse Order
Load Tweets

Create Story
Publishing a Story
Add Story Title
Add Story Description
Select Category

Story Settings

Change a Story's Settings

Change Settings
Edit Story
Delete Story
If you know other curation edtools like these please live a comment .
Labels: #edtech20 project, chirpstory, curation, social media, twitter
NEW : Curation topic for all my gr8 blogs