Dear readers members of my #edtech20 #pln because Curation is Social Media King I describe in this blog new curation tools and apps gateway toknowledge and if you like leave a comment and repply if you know other like this .
Features and Benefits
Turn your Blog or RSS feeds into a magazine in seconds.
Simply enter the location of your blog or RSS feed and let PressJack turn your content into a beautiful eye catching digital magazine in seconds.

Fight Information overload
Help your readers find and read your content . Remove the disruptiveness of the web and allow your readers to consume your content within the time tested efficiency of a magazine layout.

Automate production & publishing
Dont have time or resources to design a digital magazine, no problem. PressJack collects, filters, formats and publishes the digital edition online for you.

Optimize your customers' experience through eloquent organization.
Its all in the presentation and PressJack allows you to show your content in a rich digital magazine experience mixed with effective advertising. Capture the full attention of your reader by removing the disruptiveness of the standard webpage.

Fight Information overload
Help your readers find and read your content . Remove the disruptiveness of the web and allow your readers to consume your content within the time tested efficiency of a magazine layout.

Automate production & publishing
Dont have time or resources to design a digital magazine, no problem. PressJack collects, filters, formats and publishes the digital edition online for you.

Optimize your customers' experience through eloquent organization.
Its all in the presentation and PressJack allows you to show your content in a rich digital magazine experience mixed with effective advertising. Capture the full attention of your reader by removing the disruptiveness of the standard webpage.

Turn your readers into distributors
PressJack allows your readers to select articles of interest in a publication and create their own unique version of that publication. Readers can then promote this 'custom' publication through their network. This custom publication resides on your site and so the reader is driving more traffic to your site.

Increase your exposure
By letting your readers curate your content and create their own versions of the publication. They in turn can provide their edited version to their social networks and help drive more traffic to your digital edition, creating more buzz around your company and content.

Increase your readership
PressJack gives you the tools to create your own digital magazines within minutes and without any design or programming knowledge. You can therefore publish magazines in an online media gaining the interest of a broader audience.

Searchable and zoomable content
Readers can use the in-built search facility to explore the digital magazine, finding relevant words and articles, the reader can then choose from a list of items containing matches to ensure they get to read the articles of particular interest.

Auto update = fresh news always!
You ensure that your readers are always reading the latest news. You can set PressJack to update itself automatically so whenever your customer opens your magazine they are always reading the latest news.

Welcome in the new Age of Curation @!/web20education - wish you all Lucian . I invite to register to join free #edtech20 #socialmedia #curation project subscribe free to our new newsteller and Install free our #mlearning app .Like and collaborate on facebook and Circle on Google Plus and Subscribe free to gr8 #edtech20 blogs related to new web 2.0, social media
startups , curation ; mLearning apps , google plus , gr8 blog and my romanian blog
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