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Einztein brings the power of social networking to higher education and lifelong learners by enabling anyone to create an online learning community for resource sharing, collaboration and discussion. Teachers can easily turn courses into social learning experiences. Students can form online study groups to research and learn together. Institutions can engage learners around their educational content. Today, Einztein is a full-time project aimed at making it easier to engage socially around learning. If you are a social media curator join Curation Restart Education Einztein Group http://einztein.com/user/lucian-duma/curation-restart-education-pro-13185/
Blog curated by Lucian, father, Social Media Curator and teacher, http://xeeme.com/LucianeCurator ;http://bitly.com/LucianEDTech
Curator who win a IPAD in Global Competition with PLN help http://bitly.com/LucianeCuratorthankyoubecausewinIpad or simply a educator hwo teach special needs students how to integrate new technologies online web 2.0 and Social Media into the classroom http://checkthis.com/fvn/ . Follow https://twitter.com/lucianecurator and http://twitter.com/web20education . Now I write / describe weekly Top 10 http://teacherluciandumaweb20.blogspot.com/ ,and describe daily: curation edtools http://edtech20curationprojectineducation.blogspot.com/ ; startup edtools http://startup4edu.blogspot.com/ , ipad apps http://ipadappsineducationtomlearning.blogspot.com/ . Now I begin to blog also in romanian http://lucianesocialmediacuratorineducatie.blogspot.com
Curator who win a IPAD in Global Competition with PLN help http://bitly.com/LucianeCuratorthankyoubecausewinIpad or simply a educator hwo teach special needs students how to integrate new technologies online web 2.0 and Social Media into the classroom http://checkthis.com/fvn/ . Follow https://twitter.com/lucianecurator and http://twitter.com/web20education . Now I write / describe weekly Top 10 http://teacherluciandumaweb20.blogspot.com/ ,and describe daily: curation edtools http://edtech20curationprojectineducation.blogspot.com/ ; startup edtools http://startup4edu.blogspot.com/ , ipad apps http://ipadappsineducationtomlearning.blogspot.com/ . Now I begin to blog also in romanian http://lucianesocialmediacuratorineducatie.blogspot.com
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